Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Playing Catch Up

OK folks, the month of February was a complete blur for me.  We did lots of fun things and some not so fun things.  This is my attempt to catch you all up.  I will be back dating posts to keep them in order.  Make sure to scroll down.  Way, way down!!!  AND... Enjoy the ride.  We sure did!!

PS> This will likely take me a few days.  Patience please :-)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Stuff He Says......

So, Nicolas has quite the vocabulary.  He frequently cracks me up with the statements he makes.  Here are a few that had me in stitches.

When asked to please do something for me, his reply, "Ummmm, negative ghost rider."  Whaaa?!?!?

While observing the scenery during a ride to school one morning, "Mom the clouds are amazingly three dimensional. Would you concur?"

I made an age related comment the other day and Nico replied, "Mom you are not old, you are still in your early 30's.  I am the one getting old, I am already in my late single digits."

President's Day weekend we went to Ikea.  Nicolas wanted to play in their play-land and they were booked solid.  They said they could make room for him if he was a special needs child.  After discussing this concept for a minute, Nicolas replied, "Well Mom, I am a special needs child.  I don't have anybody to play with and my legs hurt."  Yes son, those are special needs, but so totally not the same kind.

I love this boy more and more each day.  He is a joy.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Picture Really Is Worth A Thousand Words

And it's a good thing because this flu has infiltrated 
every square inch of my body and mind.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Don Juan Nico

This is how I found Nico after church a few weeks ago.  Wha?!?!?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Firehouse Frenzy

Jessica blessed her babies on February 12, 2012 so we had some out of town visitors for the weekend.  Those siblings that were available headed to Firehouse for food and family time.  We had quite the crew there and the food did not disappoint.